Have you ever seen Food, Inc? Well I watched it the other night, and have made the decision to go organic! Crumsies! It is scary what we put into our bodies. I also want to plant a garden, but that depends on what we are doing this summer.
Basically I want to start eating organic foods for two reasons: I feel like it is wrong the way many animals are treated, that are raised only to be food, and I don't want to put crap into my body or the bodies of those I love. Let me explain.
At this point, I don't want to be a vegetarian. I believe that God gave us animals to make the world a brighter place, but also for food. Still, animals are living creatures and don't deserve to suffer needlessly. I feel like it goes against my moral compass to continue supporting large food corporations that care only about quick production of animals. It isn't natural. So, from here on out, unless it isn't available, I am not going to buy any meat that is corn-fed, or from a major company. Yup, it is a step in the right direction.
I used to admire people who only ate organic food, but honestly thought they were a little crazy. Until I saw this movie. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me. I mean, disregarding the last 50 years, people eat organic food.
I don't have a ton of time, but I just wanted to put it out there. I am not going to throw away all the food I already have (I hate to waste food....), but from here on out, I am doing whatever I can to only buy organic. I do have a few worries, though: cost, availability, quality, and Dallas freaking out.
Organic is more expensive, but it makes sense why. The whole reason people are feeding cows corn or genetically modifying crops is to make food cheaper. If I cut back on things like candy and ready-made frozen meals, I should be okay for now.
This morning I went to Walgreens to pick up a Rx. We needed milk and I was starving, so I decided to just pick up a snack while we were there. I did find milk that wasn't treated with RbST, but it wasn't organic. And the best snack that I could find were whole almonds. Oh well, these are still better choices than candy. I think I am going to have to start planning better and getting to stores that I know have a good selection of organic food. Kroger here is pretty good, and I talked with my friend Janae about going into Cincinnati to Trader Joes and Whole Foods. I will have to look into Farmer's markets, too. First I need to come up with a great list so I know exactly what to buy. This is going to be a big adjustment for us.
I mentioned how Kroger has a pretty good supply of organic, right? Well, they do, but I have noticed that often their produce looks old and less than appealing. I guess these other stores and Farmer's markets might be the remedy, so we shall see. I really want a garden. Organic in the purest sense and fresher than anything you can buy! I will have to plant something in our planters, at least, even if we are moving in a month or so.
So what about Dallas? Honestly, I haven't even talked to him about it. I don't think he will care too much, as long as he can still eat the way he normally does. But that is the problem! Most of the things he eats (poptarts, oreos, velveeta) are not organic and probably won't ever be. So what do I do? I could be really cruel and just refuse to buy these things and tell him if he wants them bad enough he has to buy them himself. Maybe if I start making really great food, he won't miss them. I don't know. Eating can be a stressful even for Dallas if it is something he doesnt' like. ANd though I would like to vamp up his meals nutritionally, he really knows how to moderate his snacking. So, here is my decision: poptarts have to go, but I will still buy oreos. For now. We will see if we can get him on the train with us. So wbat am I going to feed him for breakfast? Bah, I will figure something out. Breakfast is just such an important meal of the day. I feel like I have been an enabler for him to eat lousy. We shall see.
I have been doing pretty good at not snacking uncontrollably, just eating Kashi (which I learned isn't even organic) granola bars with a glass of milk. I went for a super short jog last night (only 10 minutes because when I finally got the babies fed, it was almost time for The Office to start. Priorities, you know.)
Today I actually feel horrible. The twins had a dr appt and while there I almost passed out. I ate a bowl of cereal for bfast, but obviously it wasn't enough. Hence the almonds. I ate a big lunch of brown rice and shrimp and I am feeling better now, but still really tired. I am sure it is withdrawals or something. Not even kidding. I am so used to eating sugar ALL day that I think my body is pretty mad about not getting it. Oh well. I say to myself, you can thank me later.
Hi Emily,
ReplyDeleteYou are such an awesome woman! I just got done skimming through your blogs. You are so beautiful, genuinely kind, and talented...then you want to go organic as well! Well that just tops it - you are awesome :) My daughter Makayla is vegetarian and I have been 90% vegetarian as well for the past 6 months. I started a small container garden with hopes of growing much more next spring/summer. I'm starting to grow my own sprouts, and I just found out about a local farm in San Diego that raises their animals humanely (my son likes to eat meat, and my daughter and I like eggs and milk products). My motivation to make this effort is mostly to live and eat more ethically and secondly to be more healthy. Reading your blog motivates me to kick up my efforts a notch. Thanks so much for sharing :)
Karen DelFante